Eight Tips for Creating Vignettes With Art Eight Tips for Creating Vignettes With Art

Eight Tips for Creating Vignettes With Art

Creating vignettes throughout your home adds interest and is often what sets you apart from others. They are a little space where you can tell a story; a reflection of your interests and personality, which can evolve and grow as you do over the years.

1 minute readMay 31, 2015

Palm print and lamp with rustic candle holders.

Creating vignettes throughout your home adds interest and is often what sets you apart from others. They are a little space where you can tell a story; a reflection of your interests and personality, which can evolve and grow as you do over the years.

Using artwork is a great way to start your vignette. Hanging it low or resting it on a piece of furniture keeps it grounded and clear that it relates to the rest of the story on the console table below. Once you have chosen your artwork, it's time to have fun arranging a 'story' or simply showcasing some of your treasures in a collective group.

If you don't have anything specific to show off and are starting from scratch, choose other items which reflect the colours on your artwork, or continue with a theme (eg: the sealife vignettes below).

There are many different ways to lay out your vignette. Here is a little collection of ideas to help get you started.

1. Group odd numbers of similar products (3,5,7,etc).

2. Make sure your items vary in height. You rarely see items in nature all in a straight line, which is why items of the same height look unnatural to the eye.

3. Don't be afraid to layer objects in front of paintings, this will encourage viewers to come in for a closer look.

4. A lamp is a great way to add interest to a vignette and light up the artwork.

Camel painting with books and white vase.

5. Be careful when placing large object over the artwork as you don't want to obscure something important. For example in the above, the camels are walking out from behind the vase, it would not have worked if the vase was on the other side with camels disappearing behind.

6. Leaning works on a console, rather than hanging them on a wall, gives a casual and relaxed vibe.

Fish and lobster painting with coral.

7. Try to keep the vignettes with artwork to a similar theme. In the photo above we used coastal items with brass accents to match the paintings.

8. Using different textures, for example, coral, glass, brass and timber creates interest.

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